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Where are my logins stored?

Did Waterfox save my logins? Did this website save them? How do I control what logins are entered automatically on websites? We’ll explain how to store your logins so you can control what happens automatically.

How to tell where your login will be stored

Your logins may be stored using the Waterfox password management feature and also in cookies.

Waterfox password management securely stores the usernames and passwords you use to access websites and then automatically fills them in for you the next time you visit.

When you enter a username and password Waterfox hasn’t already stored for a website, Waterfox’s Remember Password prompt will ask if you want Waterfox to remember them. When you click Remember Password, the next time you visit the website, Waterfox will automatically log you in to the website.

A cookie is a piece of information that a website stores on your computer. Some websites will save your login information on cookies.

When you visit a website and check a box that says something like, “Remember me”, the website will save your login information, such as your username and password or just your username, on a cookie. The next time you visit the website, your computer will send your login cookie back to the website, and you’ll be logged in automatically or required to enter your password but not your username to log in.

Note: You can store your login information with both Waterfox password management and cookies. See below for pros and cons of each method.

Waterfox password management

One advantage of using Waterfox password management is that it stores all your logins - your usernames and passwords - in one single place. You can find your logins in Waterfox and not worry about forgetting where they are.

On the other hand, putting all your logins in one place, unprotected, can be risky. Theoretically, someone who has access to your computer could open and view your logins in Waterfox and go on an Amazon shopping spree ! Fortunately, Waterfox lets you use a Primary Password to prevent others from accessing your logins without your permission.


An advantage of using cookies is that they can keep you logged in a website so that you can skip the login page and quickly get to where you want. Facebook and Twitter’s cookies will let you do this, for instance.

One disadvantage of using cookies is that they will lose your login information whenever you clear your computer’s cookies and cache. This could happen by accident if you are trying to fix a problem between your computer and a website. So you would then need to re-enter your login information the next time you visited your favorite websites.

Strategies for saving your login information

Use phrases to create easy to remember passwords

If you want the most secure method for storing your login information, then you should rely on your memory. It’s easier than you think. Choose a different login for every website and memorize them. See Create secure passwords to keep your identity safe for details.

Use Waterfox to manage logins with a Primary Password

Maybe you need some help remembering all of those logins. The next most secure method is to choose a different login for every website, save them in Waterfox when prompted and then secure everything with a Primary Password.

Use Waterfox to manage logins without a Primary Password

Perhaps the risk of someone accessing websites with your logins is low — your computer doesn’t leave the house, it’s connected to a secure network and the people who use it are trusted. In that case, you can just choose a different login for every website, save those logins with the Waterfox password management feature and skip the Primary password.

Store your logins with both Waterfox password management and cookies

Maybe what you are really looking for is speed - you want to skip those login pages you might otherwise have to visit many times a day. If your computer is in safe hands and the websites are low risk (ones not connected to a credit card), you can store your logins with both password management and cookies.

How to manage your logins

If you would like to change or delete your usernames, passwords or cookies, you can easily do so and here are some articles to show you how:

Additional password management software

Here are some password management tools that have extra features and work across multiple browsers, operating systems, and mobile devices:

RoboForm completely automates password entering and form filling with one click, which is very efficient for companies and their employees.

1Password works exceptionally well with all browsers and stores more than just passwords, such as credit card numbers, bank information, software licenses and user id information.

Lastpass is free and is available for just about every commonly used computing platform, including mobile devices.